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Festival of Lights: Winter Solstice Celebration

  • Fri, December 22, 2023
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Let’s celebrate the Winter Solstice!

We will burn away the negatives of the year! We will write down anything we want to let go of from this year and burn it away to let it go with little fires!

We will also be filling a jar of star wishes for the upcoming year! Write down goals and wishes for yourself and the community for the upcoming year!

New kinks you want to try out? Your first suspension? Finishing that toy that you’ve been dreaming of? Building new play partnerships? Anything you want to work towards, write it down and share with others in attendance. Who knows, it might bring the beginning that you need to reach that achievement!

We will revisit the star wishes next year and reflect on all that was accomplished.

We will have candles lighting up the space and hot apple cider to add to the cozy connected atmosphere.

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